47 research outputs found

    Depth filtering for auto-stereoscopic mobile devices

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    In this work we address a scenario where 3D content is transmitted to a mobile terminal with 3D display capabilities. We consider the use of 2D plus depth format to represent the 3D content and focus on the generation of synthetic views in the terminal. We evaluate different types of smoothing filters that are applied to depth maps with the aim of reducing the disoccluded regions. The evaluation takes into account the reduction of holes in the synthetic view as well as the presence of geometrical distortion caused by the smoothing operation. The selected filter has been included within an implemented module for the VideoLan Client (VLC) software in order to render 3D content from the 2D plus depth data format

    Evaluation of Q-Learning approach for HTTP adaptive streaming

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    We propose a Q-Learning-based algorithm for an HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) Client that maximizes the perceived quality, taking into account the relation between the estimated bandwidth and the qualities and penalizing the freezes. The results will show that it produces an optimal control as other approaches do, but keeping the adaptivenes

    A New Fast Motion Estimation and Mode Decision algorithm for H.264 Depth Maps encoding in Free Viewpoint TV

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    In this paper, we consider a scenario where 3D scenes are modeled through a View+Depth representation. This representation is to be used at the rendering side to generate synthetic views for free viewpoint video. The encoding of both type of data (view and depth) is carried out using two H.264/AVC encoders. In this scenario we address the reduction of the encoding complexity of depth data. Firstly, an analysis of the Mode Decision and Motion Estimation processes has been conducted for both view and depth sequences, in order to capture the correlation between them. Taking advantage of this correlation, we propose a fast mode decision and motion estimation algorithm for the depth encoding. Results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational burden with a negligible loss in terms of quality of the rendered synthetic views. Quality measurements have been conducted using the Video Quality Metric

    Quality-optimization algorithm based on stochastic dynamic programming for MPEG DASH video streaming

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    In contrast to traditional push-based protocols, adaptive streaming techniques like Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) fix attention on the client, who dynamically requests different-quality portions of the content to cope with a limited and variable bandwidth but aiming at maximizing the quality perceived by the user. Since DASH adaptation logic at the client is not covered by the standard, we propose a solution based on Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) techniques to find the optimal request policies that guarantee the users' Quality of Experience (QoE). Our algorithm is evaluated in a simulated streaming session and is compared with other adaptation approaches. The results show that our proposal outperforms them in terms of QoE, requesting higher qualities on average

    Quality-Control algorithm for adaptive streaming services over wireless channels

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    Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a recent MPEG standard for IP video delivery whose aim is the convergence of existing adaptive-streaming proprietary solutions. However, it does not impose any adaptation logic for selecting the quality of the media segments requested by the client, which is crucial to cope effectively with bandwidth fluctuations, notably in wireless channels. We therefore propose a solution to this control problem through Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP). This approach requires a probabilistic characterization of the system, as well as the definition of a cost function that the control strategy aims to minimize. This cost function is designed taking into account factors that may influence the quality perceived by the users. Unlike previous works, which compute control policies online by learning from experience, our algorithm solves the control problem offline, leading promptly to better results. In addition, we compared our algorithm to others during a streaming simulation and we analyzed the objective results by means of a Quality of Experience (QoE) oriented metric. Moreover, we conducted subjective tests to complete the evaluation of the performance of our algorithm. The results show that our proposal outperforms the other approaches in terms of both the QoE-oriented metric and the subjective evaluation

    Low latency LDGM code for multimedia-packet stream in bursty packet loss networks

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    In this paper we present a FEC scheme based on simple LDGM codes to protect packetized multimedia streams. We demonstrate that simple LDGM codes working with a limited number of packets (small values of k) obtain recovery capabilities, against bursty packet losses, that are similar to those of other more complex FEC-based schemes designed for this type of channels

    Fast mode decision for Multiview Video Coding based on scene geometry

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    A new fast mode decision (FMD) algorithm for multi-view video coding (MVC) is presented. The codification of the views is based on the analysis of the homogeneity of the depth map and corrected with the motion analysis of a reference view, which is encoded based on traditional methods and on the use of the disparity differences between the views. This approach reduces the burden of the rate-distortion motion analysis using the availability of a depth map and the presence of the disparity vectors, which are assumed to be provided by the acquisition proces

    Content Delivery System for Optimal VoD Streaming

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    The demand of video contents has rapidly increased in the past years as a result of the wide deployment of IPTV and the variety of services offered by the network operators. One of the services that has especially become attractive to the customers is real-time video on demand (VoD) because it offers an immediate streaming of a large variety of video contents. The price that the operators have to pay for this convenience is the increased traffic in the networks, which are becoming more congested due to the higher demand for VoD contents and the increased quality of the videos. As a solution, in this paper we propose a hierarchical network system for VoD content delivery in managed networks, which implements redistribution algorithm and a redirection strategy for optimal content distribution within the network core and optimal streaming to the clients. The system monitors the state of the network and the behavior of the users to estimate the demand for the content items and to take the right decision on the appropriate number of replicas and their best positions in the network. The system's objectives are to distribute replicas of the content items in the network in a way that the most demanded contents will have replicas closer to the clients so that it will optimize the network utilization and will improve the users' experience. It also balances the load between the servers concentrating the traffic to the edges of the network

    Popularity based distribution schemes for P2P assisted streaming of VoD contents

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    The Video on Demand (VoD) service is becoming a dominant service in the telecommunication market due to the great convenience regarding the choice of content items and their independent viewing time. However, it comes with the downsides of high server storage and capacity demands because of the large variety of content items and the high amount of traffic generated for serving all requests. Storing part of the popular contents on the peers brings certain advantages but, it still has issues regarding the overall traffic in the core of the network and the scalability. Therefore, we propose a P2P assisted model for streaming VoD contents that takes advantage of the clients unused uplink and storage capacity to serve requests of other clients and we present popularity based schemes for distribution of both the popular and unpopular contents on the peers. The proposed model and the schemes prove to reduce the streaming traffic in the core of the network, improve the responsiveness of the system and increase its scalability

    A protection scheme for multimedia packet streams in bursty packet loss networks based on small block low-density parity-check codes

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    This paper proposes an enhanced forward error correction (FEC) scheme based on small block low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes to protect real-time packetized multimedia streams in bursty channels. The use of LDPC codes is typically addressed for channels where losses are uniformly distributed (memoryless channels) and for large information blocks. This work suggests the use of this type of FEC codes at the application layer, in bursty channels (e.g., Internet protocol (IP)-based networks) and for real-time scenarios that require low transmission latency. To fulfil these constraints, the appropriate configuration parameters of an LDPC scheme have been determined using small blocks of information and adapting the FEC code to be capable of recovering packet losses in bursty environments. This purpose is achieved in two steps. The first step is performed by an algorithm that estimates the recovery capability of a given LDPC code in a burst packet loss network. The second step is the optimization of the code: an algorithm optimizes the parity matrix structure in terms of recovery capability against the specific behavior of the channel with memory. Experimental results have been obtained in a simulated transmission channel to show that the optimized LDPC matrices generate a more robust protection scheme against bursty packet losses for small information blocks